Hello, I am Aatman Vaidya, recent graduate in BTech Computer Science and Engineering. I am primarily interested in Machine Learning and Social Network Analysis.

I received my undergraduate degree from Ahmedabad University. For my final year thesis, I proposed a novel model to capture the spread of Hate Speech on Twitter. I was also selected for the semi-finals of the Bosch Future Mobility Challenge in Cluj, Romania and built an autonoums driving car for it (summer 2022).

You can find my research work and publications under the Research tab.

CV / Resume, Google Scholar
Email ID: aatmanvaidya [at] gmail [dot] com


Apr 2024:The Uli Dataset paper is accepted at Workshop on Online Harms and Abuse at NAACL. [paper]
Dec 2023:Conducted a Shared Task on Gendered Abuse Detection in Indic Languages at ICON 2023.
Nov 2023:Our Paper titled, "Analysing the Spread of Toxicity on Twitter" got accepted at CODS-COMAD.
Nov 2023:Invited for a pannel at Digital Citizen Summit.
Sep 2023:Our Paper titled, "Forecasting the Spread of Toxicity on Twitter" got accepted at IEEE CogMI.
Aug 2023:Started working at Tattle!
Jun 2023:Finished my BTech in Computer Science and Engineering from Ahmedabad University.
Jun 2023:Defended my Undergraduate Thesis, you can access it here.
May 2023:Went to Cluj, Romania to participate in the semi-final round of the Bosch Future Mobility Challenge - Built an autonoums driving car!